Wow -- it's hard to believe this month has simply flown right by! I leave next Wed., so by all accounts I have only four days left.
This past Monday, I had a chance to visit SENAC, and institution that trains students to be cooks and waiters. The vasy majority of students come from extreme poverty, and are making choices to improve their lives through technincal education, much as the students I met from Miller-Motte College back in North Carolina. Since I "cut my teeth" running restaurant kitchens before I entered academia, we had a lot in common, and the visit was high on emotion; they expressed a sense of gratitude that someone from another community recognized their efforts to make a better life for their families, when many of their friends and relatives did not, and I expressed to them how grateful I was to be able to see and meet them, and talk about their dreams for the future. It was perhaps my favorite visit here in Salvador, and I'll surely never forget those folks. That's me in the hairnet in the kitchen, and then later talking with some of the waiters and waitresses.
Today I presented at UFBA, the federal university, and talked about academic, professional and personal writing strategies with both students and instructors. The presentation went about 30 min. over, and everyone stayed, so I believe it came off quite nicely. We had a great discussion about art, and artists, and what it means to be possessed by the desire to create. Lots of fun.
On Tuesday, at 5PM, I'll be reading fiction and poetry at the Casa Jorge Amado, and from what I've been told, I should expect A LOT of people, as the event is being advertised all over town, and Salvadorians like foreign art. No pressure...
Other pics: The family shot is of Ester's (the wonderful mother of Carol Ouimet, and my host here in Salvador) son's (Marcelo) family, wife Tereza and daughter Bia, along with Ester's sister and Vice-President of the Bahian chapter of Partners of the Americas, Miriam de Souza (also the Consul to Greece for Brazil), all joining us at Boi Preto, amazing churrascaria; also, here's Ester enjoying the delivery of yet more meat!